鉴于蛋白质组的高度复杂性及动态性,为了推动蛋白质组大数据的临床应用,实现临床蛋白能更好的服务于精准医疗,西湖大学蛋白质组大数据实验室将于2019年6月30日,在浙江省杭州市西湖大学举办“第一届西湖蛋白质组大数据研讨会” ,集中讨论近期发展迅速的DIA-MS技术的最新进展和临床应用,研讨内容具体包括临床蛋白质组大数据的产生、质控、分析和机器学习等。
本次培训与NEJM医学前沿合办,同时也是2019中国蛋白质组学大会 (CNHUPO) 的系列学术活动之一。培训课程针对基于SWATH蛋白质组大数据的关键难点(数据采集、解读和分析)设计,讲师包括SWATH技术的主要发明人Steve Tate,SWATH数据最成熟的开源分析软件OpenSWATH的主要开发者Hannes Roest,首次提出对SWATH/DIA 数据直接进行de novo测序和序列库搜索的软件PEAKS的主要开发者单宝珍,EncyclopeDIA的主要开发者Brian Searle,PCT-SWATH的开发者郭天南,propro软件的开发者陆妙善和王瑞敏,长期从事蛋白质组信息学研究的Limsoon Wong、开发了众多组学软件的常乘,擅长多组学研究的吴健民、SCIEX的高级工程师陈晨和刘一颖等。
培训班得到多个相关企业的赞助,包括临床质谱的领导者SCIEX公司,压力循环技术的唯一供应商Pressure Biosciences Inc,RayKol,易算生物(Omicsolution),北京生夏蛋白技术有限公司,Bioinformatics Solutions Inc等。
汇款信息: 开户名称:杭州圆正会议展览有限公司
冯老师 Email: jeanfjq@163.com
因故不能参加培训,但已提交注册费用,可以取消注册,并申请退款,需向培训联系人(阮老师 Email: ruanguan@westlake.edu.cn)提交申请。不接受其他方式。
阮老师 Email:ruanguan@westlake.edu.cn
薛老师 Email: xuezhangzhi@westlake.edu.cn
蒋老师 电话:13905719718 Email: jiangzhiqiu@zju.edu.cn
冯老师 电话:15990150030 Email:jeanfjq@163.com
郭天南(Tiannan Guo)
西湖大学(Westlake University)
2006年毕业于华中科技大学同济医学院临床医学七年制,同时获得武汉大学生物科学双学位。2007-2008年曾在新加坡国立肿瘤中心从事医学研究工作。2012年获得新加坡南洋理工大学博士学位。2012-2017年在瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学Ruedi Aebersold教授实验室从事博士后研究。2017年初至7月在澳大利亚悉尼大学儿童医学研究所ProCan任Scientific Director,肿瘤蛋白质组Group Leader,悉尼大学医学院兼聘高级讲师。2017年8月加入西湖高等研究院任特聘研究员。
Tiannan received training of clinical medicine (1999-2006) in Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and learned biology (2001-2005) in Wuhan University, before he moved to Singapore for PhD training in cancer proteomics (2008-2012) in the laboratories of Dr. Newman Sze in Nanyang Technological University and Dr. Oi Lian Kon in National Cancer Centre Singapore. In 2012, Tiannan started his postdoctoral training in the laboratory of Dr. Ruedi Aebersold in ETH Zurich. Tiannan moved to Sydney as the Scientific Director of ProCan, group leader of Cancer Proteome, Children’s Medical Research Institute, conjoint senior lecturer in The University of Sydney Medical School, in March 2017. Tiannan joined the Westlake Institute for Advanced Studies, Westlake University in August 2017 as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor.
Steve Tate
Steve is a Senior Research Scientist and Managerof Software, Applications Research in SCIEX. He is responsible for developingnew methods for either operation of cutting edge mass spectrometers or for dataprocessing. Played a principle role in the research and development on SWATH-MSa novel method on QqTOF instruments allowing massive multiplexes quantitation.
单宝珍(Baozhen Shan)
CEO of Bioinformatics Solutions Inc.
单宝珍博士是加拿大Bioinformatics Solutions Inc.(BSI)的首席执行官,是PEAKS算法的设计开发核心成员。BSI是全球领先的蛋白质组学软件和服务平台提供公司之一。单博士于2008年加入BSI。1997年,他从南京大学获得了他的第一个化学博士学位,2009年,他从Western Ontario大学获得了第二个计算机科学博士学位。目前,他的团队正在使用AI技术研究基于蛋白质组学的免疫治疗。
Dr. Baozhen Shan is the CEO of BSI, one of the leadingproteomics software and service platform providing companies. He began workingat BSI in 2008. He obtained his first Ph.D in Chemistry in 1997 from NanjingUniversity, and his second in Computer Science in 2009 from University ofWestern Ontario. Currently, his team are working on the proteomics-basedimmunotherapy with AI technology.
As a computational chemist, he has spent more than 15years in research and development related to data mining and statisticalanalysis of mass spectrometry-based proteomics (including protein/peptideidentification and quantification, antibody characterization, etc.). As aresult he has developed a broad set of scientific and algorithmic skills ofmodelling and understanding molecular biology through statisticalanalysis.
Hannes Röst
多伦多大学(University of Toronto)
Hannes Röst在苏黎世联邦理工学院获得生物化学学士学位和生物信息学硕士学位,并在苏黎世联邦理工学院Ruedi Aebersold教授实验室获得博士学位,他开发了新的计算方法来分析基于质谱的蛋白质组学数据。这项工作使研究人员能够将目标蛋白质组学实验的通量提高100倍,并增加可在一项研究中分析的样本数量。获得博士学位后,他加入了斯坦福大学Mike Snyder教授的实验室,将他的工作应用于个性化医疗领域。在斯坦福大学,Hannes专注于开发用于处理的计算工具,管理和分析大型,异构和纵向数据集。他在多伦多大学的研究探索新的质谱方法,以获得高度定量的蛋白质组学和代谢组学数据矩阵,并使用这些定量数据来解决系统生物学和个性化医学中的问题。
Hannes Röst obtained a BSc in Biochemistry and a MSc in Bioinformatics from ETH Zurich, and during his PhD in the lab of Prof. Ruedi Aebersold at ETH Zurich, he developed novel computational methods to analyze mass spectrometry-based proteomics data. This work has allowed researchers to increase throughput of targeted proteomics experiments by up to 100-fold and increase the number of samples that could be analyzed in a single study. After his PhD, he joined the lab of Prof. Mike Snyder at Stanford University to apply his work in the area of personalized medicine. In Stanford, Hannes focused on developing computational tools for handling, managing and analyzing large, heterogeneous and longitudinal datasets. His research at University of Toronto explore the capability novel mass spectrometric methods to obtain highly quantitative proteomics and metabolomics data matrices and use these quantitative data to address questions in systems biology and personalized medicine.
Brian Searle
西雅图系统生物学研究所(Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle)
Brian Searle是系统生物学研究所的转化研究员。Brian于2001年在里德学院获得化学学士学位。2004年,他与Mark Turner和Ashley McCormack博士共同创办了ProteomeSoftware,为蛋白质组学家制作和分发尖端的数据分析软件。2014年,他回到学术界,在华盛顿大学获得Michael MacCoss博士的博士学位,在那里他开发了使用质谱法检测和定量蛋白质和磷酸盐的方法。2018年,他作为独立研究员加入了系统生物学研究所,建立了一个研究项目,该项目弥合了基因组学和蛋白质组学技术之间的差距,以研究人类遗传变异。他广泛的研究兴趣跨越蛋白质组学,质谱,生物信息学以及解释氨基酸变异对单蛋白组和间蛋白组水平的影响的技术发展。
Brian Searle is a Translational Research Fellowat the Institute for Systems Biology. Brian received his chemistry BA at ReedCollege in 2001. In 2004, he co-founded Proteome Software with Mark Turner andDr. Ashley McCormack to produce and distribute cutting-edge data analysissoftware for proteomicists. In 2014, he returned to academia to earn his PhDwith Dr. Michael MacCoss at University of Washington where he developed methodsto detect and quantify proteins and phosphosites using mass spectrometry. In2018, he joined the Institute for Systems Biology as an independent fellow tobuild a research program that bridges the gap between genomic and proteomictechnologies to study human genetic variation. His broad research interestsspan the intersection of proteomics, mass spectrometry, bioinformatics, andtechnology development to interpret the effects of amino acid variants on botha single- and a meta-proteome level.
赵剑飞(Jianfei Zhao)
NEJM医学前沿(NEJM Frontiers in Medicine)
Deputy Editor, NEJM. Responsible for the daily operation of the digital platform, including content operation, strategic planning and outreach. Previously, he was a scientific editor at Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group (NPG), managing the evaluation and review of manuscripts in biology, focusing on epigenetics, submitted around the world. As the first biology editor of NPG working in China, he fostered close relationships with the life sciences community in China. He obtained a B.Sc in Peking University, and a Ph.D. in University of Oregon, the United States. His postdoctoral training in the US National Cancer Institute is centered on the epigenetic regulation of gene expression.
李文庆(Wenqing Li)
北京大学肿瘤医院、北京大学国际癌症研究中心(Peking University Cancer Hospital and Peking University International Cancer Research Center)
PhD. Principal Investigator at the PekingUniversity Cancer Hospital and Peking University International Cancer ResearchCenter. Before returning to China, he was an assistant professor at BrownUniversity. He is the Vice Chair of the Youth Council of the China Anti-CancerAssociation, the Vice Chair and Secretary General of the Youth Council of theBeijing Anti-Cancer Association, a member of the Cancer Epidemiology Committeeand the Basic Research and Pathology Group of the Gastric Cancer Committee ofthe China Anti-Cancer Association, and a member of the Environmental MutagenSociety Biomarker Committee and Deputy President of its Youth Committee. He hasbeen awarded several prestigious awards, including “Young One Thousand TalentsProgram” and “Beijing Haiju Project” (full-time employment category). He was apostdoctoral fellow at the Harvard Medical School and the US National CancerInstitute.
Limsoon Wong
National University of Singapore
LimsoonWong is Kwan-Im-Thong-Hood-Cho-Temple Chair Professor in the School ofComputing at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He was also aprofessor (now honorary) of pathology in the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine atNUS. Before coming to NUS, he was the Deputy Executive Director for Research atA*STAR\'\'s Institute for Infocomm Research. He currently works mostly onknowledge discovery technologies and their application to biomedicine. He hasalso done, in the earlier part of his career, significant research in databasequery language theory and finite model theory, as well as significantdevelopment work in broad-scale data integration systems. Limsoon has writtenabout 300 research papers, some of which are among the best cited of theirrespective fields. Limsoon is a Fellow of the ACM, named in 2013 for hiscontributions to database theory and computational biology. Some of his otherrecent awards include the 2003 FEER Asian Innovation Gold Award for his work ontreatment optimization of childhood leukemias, the 2006 Singapore Youth AwardMedal of Commendation for his sustained contributions to science andtechnology, and the ICDT 2014 Test of Time Award for his work on naturallyembedded query languages. He was also conferred, in 2014, a PublicAdministration Medal (Bronze) by the Singapore Government for outstandingefficiency, competence, and industry. He serves/served on the editorial boardsof Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, BiologyDirect, Drug Discovery Today, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biologyand Bioinformatics, Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics, Journal ofBiomedical Semantics, Methods, Scientific Reports, Information Systems, andIEEE Transactions on Big Data. He is also an ACM Books Area Editor. Limsoonreceived his BSc(Eng) in 1988 from Imperial College London and his PhD in 1994from University of Pennsylvania.
吴健民(Jianmin Wu)
北京大学肿瘤医院、北京大学国际癌症研究中心(Peking University Cancer Hospital and Peking University International Cancer Research Center)
吴健民,研究员、博士研究生导师,北京大学肿瘤医院肿瘤生物信息中心主任,兼信息部副主任。致力于综合计算和实验手段,整合多组学和临床数据深入研究国内高发癌种的发病机制、精准分子分型和个体化治疗。担任国际癌症基因组联盟(ICGC) 癌症基因组加速研究计划(ARGO)委员会委员,在大队列的癌症基因组、蛋白组及相关生物信息学研究上有丰富经验。通讯作者研究成果先后在Nature Methods、Nature Reviews Cancer (Analysis Article,封面文章)、Nucleic Acids Research 等杂志发表;合作研究多次在Nature (4次)和Cell (2014)等杂志发表。共发表SCI论文40余篇,他引大于2000次,单篇最高引用775次。
Director of Cancer Bioinformatics Center, Peking University Cancer Hospital. Dr. Wu is a senior bioinformatician focusing on data-driven cancer research, which combines high-throughput genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic profiling approaches, to comprehensively investigate molecular landscapes of GI cancer and identify prognosis/predictive biomarkers and novel therapeutic targets. He published 40+ publications in peer reviewed journals with 2000 citations, including corresponding author work in NatureMethods, Nature Reviews Cancer and Nucleic Acids Research et al. , and collaborative work in Nature (4) and Cell. He is also a scientific planning committee member of International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) - Accelerating Research in Genomic Oncology (ARGO) initiative.
常乘(Cheng Chang)
国家蛋白质科学中心-北京(National Center for Protein Sciences (Beijing))
2010年毕业于湖南大学电子信息工程专业,获学士学位。2010年-2015年就读于北京蛋白质组研究中心,专业生物信息学。2015年博士毕业后任国家蛋白质科学中心-北京(凤凰中心)助理研究员,研究方向:生物信息学、蛋白质组学、系统生物学。自2015年以来,他已在无标定量、有标定量、差异蛋白质筛选、定量结果富集分析及可视化等方面提出了一系列新算法,研发了有标定量工具SILVER,蛋白质无标定量算法LFAQ,综合性定量软件包PANDA以及定量结果统计分析及可视化工具PANDA-view,蛋白质相互作用网络分析工具PPIExp,蛋白质相互作用文献挖掘工具PPICurator;主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项、蛋白质组学国家重点实验室自主研究课题一项,参与973、863、国际科技合作、国家重点研发计划等项目多项,以第一及通讯作者(含共同)在Bioinformatics, Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Proteome Research, Proteomics等期刊上发表论文12篇,获得软件著作权授权6项,申请国家发明专利3项。曾获2016年第九届中国蛋白质组学大会“优秀青年学者报告奖”。
Dr Cheng Chang is an assistant research fellow at National Center for Protein Sciences (Beijing) focusing on bioinformatics, proteomics and system biology. Since 2015, Dr Chang has proposed novel algorithms and developed easy-to-use tools for both label-free and labeled quantifications, as well as the post-processes of quantification results, such as LFAQ for label-free absolute protein quantification and PANDA for both labeled and label-free quantitative proteomics data analysis. As the first or corresponding authors, he published 12 papers in journals such as Bioinformatics, Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Proteome Research, Proteomics, etc., and obtained 6 software copyright licenses. He was awarded the Young Investigator Award at the 9th CNHUPO in 2016.
沈诚频(Chengpin Shen)
Dr Shen received his bachelor and PhD degreefrom Department of Chemistry, Institutes of Biomedical Sciences, FudanUniversity, and visiting scholar of Massachusetts institute of technology. Hehas been engaged in proteomics research since 2005 and established Omicsolutionin 2016. With the cooperation with Biognosys from Switzerland, he popularized atotal solution of quantitative proteomics based on SWATH/DIA technology inChina.
陈晨(Chen Chen)
Senior Application Engineer, Ph.D. inBiochemistry and Molecular Biology from Wuhan University in 2015. Currentlyworking for SCIEX China Application Support Team, responsible for proteomicsapplication support, with 9 years of experience in mass spectrometry-basedproteomics research.
刘一颖(Yiying Liu)
Application Engineer,PhDin Analytical Chemistry. Dr. Liu has engaged in the research of membraneproteomics since 2012 in Department of Chemistry Institutes of BiomedicalSciences, Fudan University. She has extensive experience in method developmentand troubleshooting.
朱天生(Tiansheng Zhu)
西湖大学(Westlake University)
Tiansheng received training of biotechnology in Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU), and learned computer science in Fudan University, China. He worked on data management in the data center Department of Shanghai bioinformatics research center. After that, he was engaged in the construction and management of data platform in Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Tiansheng joined the Guomics team in September 2017 as a senior research assistant, and mainly works in proteomic big data science.
陈浩(Hao Chen)
西湖大学(Westlake University)
Hao has worked in NGS industry for 6 years, with rich experience in object-oriented programming (C#,C++) and scripting (perl, R, Python and bash). He is good at building bioinformatics pipelines. Now he is working on proteomic data mining.
陆妙善(Miaoshan Lu)
西湖大学(Westlake University)
2010-2013年,创立南京魔韵软件科技有限公司,担任公司COO首席运营官;2008-2014年硕士研究生毕业于南京大学软件工程学院2014-2018年在阿里巴巴从事软件研发相关工作;2014-2015年在电子凭证交易团队担任研发工程师(P5);2015-2016年分别在O2O团队和商品中心团队担任资深研发工程师(P6);2016-2018年在国际化Lazada团队担任技术专家,移动端开发组Team Leader(P7);2018年1月1日从阿里巴巴辞职,提前进入西湖大学于长斌实验室从事博士相关的工作;2018年9月正式进入西湖大学读博,成为西湖二期的成员。
Miaoshan founded nanjing moyun software technology co., ltd and served as the COO of the company(2010-2013) and learned software engineering(2008-2014)in Nanjing University. In 2014, Miaoshan started his 4 years career as software researcher in alibaba. He worked as a software researcher(P5) in the electronic certificate trading team(2014-2015), and served as senior engineer in O2O(Online to Offline Offline to Online) team and alibaba commodity center team respectively. From 2016 to 2018, he worked as a technical expert in the international Lazada Team and the Team Leader of the Lazada-Seller-MobileTeam. He resigned from alibaba in 2018.1.1, and entered Westlake University to do PhD related work ahead of schedule. In 2018.9, He officially entered the Westlake University as a doctoral candidate and became a member of the Phase 2 of Westlake University.
王瑞敏(Ruimin Wang)
西湖大学(Westlake University)
Ruimin received bachelor\'\'s degree in Computer Science from University of Science and Technology of China in 2017 and joined Westlake University as a PhD student, mainly engaged in analyzing algorithm of MS data.
郑钜圣 (Jusheng Zheng)
http://www.wias.org.cn/wap/index.php?a=kydetail catid=490 id=8792 web=english
西湖大学(Westlake University)
2009年毕业于宁波大学,获得学士学位;2014年毕业于浙江大学,获得博士学位,从事营养流行病学研究;2011-2012年,作为联合培养博士生,在美国塔夫茨大学人类老年营养研究中心从事营养遗传学研究;2015年-2018年在英国剑桥大学临床医学院从事遗传流行病学和营养学博士后研究工作,欧盟玛丽居里学者(Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow)。2018年9月加入西湖大学生命科学学院,担任独立课题组负责人(PI)、特聘研究员、博士生导师,成立人类营养与流行病实验室。
Ju-Sheng completed his PhD degree in nutritionat Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China). Within his PhD program, he receivedone year’s training in the Nutrition and Genomics Lab at Jean Mayer USDA HumanNutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in the USA, where heworked on the project of gene-nutrient interaction on diabetes traits. He isalso a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow supported by the EuropeanCommission (2016-2018), and receiving postdoctoral training at the MRCEpidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge, UK. Ju-Sheng joined the School ofLife Sciences at Westlake University in September 2018 and has been leading theLaboratory of Human Nutrition and Epidemiology at Westlake University.
本文链接: http://brianltd.immuno-online.com/view-712448.html